9/8/13: Finished: High Elf Army Add-ons!

9/8/13: Finished: High Elf Army Add-ons!

Hey guys!Just a quick update today! Most of my painting week was spent rolling through some final High Elf pieces for my local client! Trying to figure out why my individual picture of Caradryan didn't load, but hey! There were some archers with the group, but I...
9/3/13: Finished: High Elf Chariots; Some Upcoming Projects!

9/3/13: Finished: High Elf Chariots; Some Upcoming Projects!

Hey guys!So I've been busy working through some projects this last week, I think you all will really enjoy them, I know I did!So my regular High Elf client sent me some final pieces to round out his army. I guess chariots in the new HE book are a little overcosted,...

8/25/13: Finished: The Dreamer Malifaux Crew

Hey guys!So this has been a project long in the waiting, but its finally done! This is Magilla's 4th Malifaux crew painted by your's truly, and I've gotta say, this is definitely my best one to date! A ton of fun, it just took me a little time to get into it! Lets...

8/6/13: Finished: Alpha Legion Cultist Squad #1

Hey guys!So I wanted to show off a project I'd gotten done recently as an off and on project. As you all know, my current army is Alpha Legion Chaos Marines, and as a result, I've been painting a crapton of cultists! I finally managed to get the first squad done! I'm...