3/25/13: Gaming: Taking the Chaos Codex to Strange, New, Levels

Hey guys! So I’ve been painting my butt off this weekend, should have pictures of the finished Imperial Guard commission by Tuesday. I’ve also got my Senior Art portfolio due, so we’ll see how that bad boy goes. This, however, doesn’t mean I haven’t had a chance to...

3/22/13: Painting: Imperial Guard WIP and Alpha Legion Cultists

Hey guys!So I've been incredibly busy the last couple of days! Not only have I been rolling through some projects, but the ever-looming date of my graduation has me scrambling to get everything done for school. I am now managing the FLGS, which is a huge step for my...

3/16/13: Lost Souls 2013; Day One

Hey guys!So as I'm sure most of you are aware, today and tomorrow is our two day Warhammer Fantasy tournament Lost Souls 2013, run by our very own RTGamer! The event is in full swing, and we've had 12 players show up, most of them Fantasy players from the Denver...

3/14/13: Finished: Grey Knights Femme Fatale Henchmen Army

Hey guys!So a long time in the making, but Neil's Grey Knight Henchmen army are finally complete! For those of you who don't know, Neil is one of the hosts over at The 11th Company Podcast; if you haven't checked them out, follow the link and check them out, their...

3/10/13: Lost Souls 2013 Terrain, Blood Bowl, and General Painting!

Hey guys!WOW. Almost two weeks? I’m ashamed! I never let my post count get past this point, at least we’ve got a lot to cover this time!Alrighty! Where to start! First off, ended up going home for a couple days to see the fam and spend time with the girlfriend and let...