2/25/13: Reinventing the CSM Codex to Run Myself Over

Hey guys! A week without a post! Sorry to say I haven’t had a lot of time to paint, though that doesn’t mean when I have picked up a brush, it hasn’t been pure gold! Since this shot, I’ve gotten 2 wights and a zombie finished. Should have the team done, minus basing,...

2/19/13: GenghisCon 2013!

Hey guys!So GenghisCon 2013 has come and gone and, I gotta say, I can't hardly wait for the next event! I had a ton of fun running around, seeing new armies, new games, grabbing some swag, and chatting up some really great people the whole weekend! My biggest...

2/14/13: Nurgle Heldrake WIP and some SLW Gear!

Hey guys!A week since I posted....I hate doing that....Things have been pretty busy on the Smells Like Wargaming front, as well as the Real Life world, so its not that I haven't been painting, its just I haven't been able to post! Lets just jump right into some...

2/7/13: Upcoming Projects and Commissions

Hey guys!Posting from the phone today, will go in tonight and clean this post up, but I figured I'd show off what projects are coming up from Smells Like Wargaming! Neil's Grey Knight Henchmen are very close to being done, and should have them finished by next week....