2/4/13: Less than Two Weeks from Genghis-Con!

Hey guys!Just a quick post today, I didn’t get a lot of painting done over the weekend, though I’ve got some pieces built; should have pictures of those tomorrow! Brian’s Necromantic Blood Bowl Team WIP. Pretty cool models for being almost as old as I am!For all of...

1/30/13: Taking my Photos to the Professional Level!

Hey guys!Man, what a week! School's been picking up a little bit, Saturday was the Magic the Gathering Gatecrash release, and the rest...well...that's for me to know! Anyways, its been a slower week on the painting front than I usually like, but that doesn't mean we...

1/23/13: Finished: Imperial Strongpoint and Abaddon, Part Deux

Hey guys!Whoo, just missed the midnight mark on the post! Oh well, probably better it drops on Wednesday! So I finally sat down and put the finishing touches on the Imperial Strongpoint commission for my favorite Australian client! I didn't realize just how much Aegis...

1/20/13: For Sale: Tau Empire Army!

Hey guys!So I finally sat down and listed the ol' Tau Empire army up on eBay! I've got other projects and other pieces I'd like to sit down and do, so the Tau Empire army just has to go!For those of you interested, the link is here: Tau Empire Army Lot; for those...

1/17/13: WIP: Death Cultists and Cthulhu’s Homeboy!

Hey guys!Just killing some time between classes, so I figured I'd share my current projects. I also have a bastion to finish up tonight, but I need to get some more primer to get that sucker painted up. Pictures tomorrow hopefully! I've just got a couple of fun...