12/20/12: Imperial Strongpoint WIP!

Hey guys!So a final blogpost before I take off for the holidays! Plan is to spend the holiday catching up on some napping and seeing friends back home, so it should be a good way to getting the hobby mojo flowing again!I've been working on my Australian client's...

12/10/12: WIP Khador Warjack and a very Grave Project!

Hey guys!Quick, late night update tonight. We're coming up on Finals week, so I'm looking at a 3 day period of insanity, followed by 3 weeks of nothing. I can't wait for finals to be finished, but as a result, the hobby front will be a little slow. Ill try and get a...

12/5/12: Finished: High Elf Mage and Sanctioned Psyker

Hey guys!Been rolling through some minor projects the last day or two, one being a commission and the other just a piece I had on my desk. Let's break it down:First up was a Sanctioned Psyker model. I have two blisters worth of the pewter ones from when I was building...