6/24/15: Showcase: Imperial Fists Deimos Pattern Predator

Howdy folks! Sorry for the lack of posts, I got a wonderful summer illness that threw a whole bunch of delays in my plans! I'm also working on a set of blood Bowl teams at the moment, but I figured I'd break them up with a mini project! A buddy of mine picked it up...

6/18/15: Showcase: For Sale Astra Militarum Cadian Baneblade

Howdy folks!Getting my Blogger game back on track! Will hopefully keep this pace going from now on, this is just as important as Facebook and Instagram!This was a fun little repaint project I got a sudden urge to work on one night. I'd wanted to test out some basic...

6/17/15: Showcase: Dark Eldar Grotesques Commission

Howdy folks!Super late night post! Our latest commission was a very interesting one; 16 grotesques converted from Island of Blood Rat Ogres! Client wanted a very standard scheme with red rather than the blue green you normally see, resin bases done to look like toxic...

6/16/15: Showcase: For Sale House Hawkshroud Knight Castigator

Howdy folks!As promised, the second Knight to show off is a Knight Castigator, done in House Hawkshroud heraldry and rocked out in a dynamic pose like it's ripping through enemy lines! I came into this model through various means and knew it needed some yellow! The...