5/18/15: Showcase: Warmaster High Elves Commission

Howdy folks!This time we have a very different commission crossing the studio! I was approached by a local client who regularly plays Warmaster looking to get the bulk of his High Elves painted. The commission consisted of 4 characters, 6 Spearman bases with commands,...

5/4/15: Miniature Monday: For Sale Eldar WIP

Howdy folks!Earlier this year, I had a buddy looking to sell off a couple armies of his. One was an Ogre Kingdoms army, which I'll be painting once the fate of Fantasy is determined, and the second was a Saim-Hann Eldar army, complete with two dozen Jetbikes, lots of...

4/29/15: Showcase: SLW’s Skitarii Battle Maniple WIP

Hey folks!Like a lot of you, I was very excited to see GW tackle Adeptus Mechanicus. I've slowly been picking up their units, hoping to build the Battle Maniple formation. With the reveal of new Mechanicum stuff today, that goal may change, but I'm still adding to the...

4/27/15: Showcase: Horus Heresy Ultramarines Vehicle Commission

Howdy folks!Been a bit since I posted over here, I have a lot to show everyone! This time around though is a commission of Ultramarines vehicles for a client's growing Horus Heresy force! Will be adding more in the future, including Guilleman himself! The project was...

3/18/15: Showcase: For Sale Bloodthirster of Khorne

Howdy folks! Found a little time to wrap up my Bloodthirster of Khorne! Definitely a wonderful model to work on, like most of my personal projects he became practice for techniques, namely blood and airbrushing wings. If interested, he's listed for sale HERE!Back to...