3/16/15: #MiniatureMonday One

Howdy folks!Today is the first part of a new weekly series called #miniaturemonday, since I'm all over the social medias, why not bring that enthusiasm to the blog! Also posting from the phone, so we'll see what that does to the picture placement!This...

3/10/15: Results of Genghis Con 2015 Painting Competition!

Howdy folks!Haven't had a chance to post about this yet, had a lot going on! For those of you who don't know what Genghis Con is, its a local gaming convention here in Aurora, CO. I've been going for the painting competition for the last three years now, and I'm...

3/4/15: Showcase: For Sale House Terryn Knight Titan

Howdy folks!After selling the Nurgle army, I picked up some fun projects to work on in between commissions and in my spare time (since when do I have spare time?!) Of course, I had to get a Knight! This is now the 24th Knight I've done since the kit came out last...

2/16/15: Showcase: Questoris Knight Styrix Commission

Howdy folks!Yet another Knight to add to the portfolio! I think I've done almost 30 now...I'll have to check...anywho, this one joins the Legio Titanicus/House Raven army I've been doing pieces for since May of last year. This client now has a warhound, 3...

2/12/15: Showcase: For Sale Nurgle Chaos Space Marines Army

Howdy folks!So I finally found some time to wrap up this army! I picked up a big group of Nurgle models before I moved from Durango last April; one half became my Gold-winning Armies on Parade force, while the second half turned into this! An amalgamation of...