2/10/15: Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicum Detachment

Howdy folks!Its been quite on this side of the Smells Like Wargaming front, I apologize! I've got some stuff to throw together and share over here, I promise!This time around, though, we have a group of Mechanicum forces to join the Reaver Titan I completed...

1/29/15: Showcase: Tau Riptide and Death Korps of Krieg Valkyrie

Good evening folks!Another week, another group of projects to show you all! The cycle never ends, and I'm alright with that!This time around, we have a Green Lantern-inspired Tau Riptide and a Valkyrie, done for the same client. You'll be seeing more of the Green Tau...

1/22/15: For Sale: The Sanguinor

Howdy folks!So like I've said, one of my big New Year's goals on the hobby side is to work through all my old, extra models and give them a purpose. Whether or not they make it into one of my larger projects, get shelved, or get sold depends on the piece!This time...

1/20/15: Finished: Sons of Malice Chaos-Aligned Knight Titan

Howdy folks!So since the Knight model came out last March, I believe I've had the pleasure of working on almost two dozen of the beasts, either as commission pieces, for sale projects, etc. I love the model, they're amazing to work with, and with the transfer sheets,...

1/17/15: Finished: Imperial Fists Tarantula Turret Sentry

Hey folks!Like a lot of you, I love Forge World models. I've done everything from basic infantry to Titans, and its always a lot of fun to work on. I especially love the models you don't see very often! A couple weeks ago, I had to order a transfer sheet from FW for...