Call for Players – Ruinstorm Tournament, Saturday 24th August

On Saturday 24th August I'm off to Leicester to play in the Ruinstorm Tournament. It's only £10 for three games, which I reckon is excellent value! The tournament is making a final call for players - tickets are available until 10th August. The details are below:...

A Reprise for Hive Fleet: Nemesis

A Return to Hive Fleet NemesisOn Thursday I will be playing a regular (non-campaign) game of 40k so I have decided to rest the Squat Guard and give a first 6th-edition run-out to my Tyranids. I stuck with Nids throughout most of the last year or so of 5th edition,...

Best Podcasts on the ‘Net?

 There must be a lot of great podcasts out there on the tinterweb relating to our favourite game, Warhammer 40,000 - but which are the best and which are your favourites? I currently listen to the '40K UK' / '40K Global' podcast and occasionally the '11th...

Squat Guard for Blog Wars 5

Just a quick post to share my army list for the Blog Wars 5 tournament: Plasma Vets FTW at Blog Wars 5! CCS: Astropath; flamer; 2× plasma gun; carapace armour. 190• ChimeraStorm Troopers: 2× meltagun. 105Storm Troopers: 2×...

Codex: Eldar Coming Soon – 8th June?

Just a quick post to tell you about sightings of leaked scans from the forthcoming White Dwarf, featuring your favourite pointy-eared race, the Eldar. A quick search on google images for the following should reward your curiosity:- Wraithknight- Eldar Codex cover-...