Armageddon Campaign – Set-Up and Round One

Thursday night saw the start of our club campaign, based loosely around the First War of Armageddon. We are using a simple campaign mechanic of my own devising, similar to that of Planetary Empires.    HOW THE CAMPAIGN WILL...

Armageddon It!

I've decided to take the plunge and organise a club campaign. I've coerced five others to join in with me, giving us six players in total to recreate the first war of Armageddon. The first war of Armageddon, for those not in the know, was the conflict between the...

Day Two of ‘In The Veiled Region’ Campaign

Following my review of the first day of games at Animosity's 'In The Veiled Region' campaign, stand by for day number two...  Game 4 – 2000pts - The Relic In my first game on Sunday I faced a veritable Tyranid horde, featuring a Mawloc, Tyranid Prime, a...

Day One Review of ‘In The Veiled Region’ Campaign

It’s the end of day two of the ‘Veiled Region’campaign organised by the Animosity crew. I have to say that all of my hopes were well-founded – it was a great weekend, very entertaining and played in a friendly atmosphere! Firstly, my list: 2,000pts – Squat GuardHQ –...

Day One Results of the ‘Veiled Region’ Campaign Weekend

Just a quick update after day one of the campaign weekend... Game 1 - 1000pts (minimum 50% flyers):Lost (twice!) on VP's against pre-heresy World Eaters from the Betrayal book. The list included a Whirlwind, 2 x Lightnings & ten assault...