Off to ‘In The Veiled Region’ Campaign Weekend

In just about to set off to my first campaign weekend - In The Veiled Region, organised by Animosity. I'm excited and curious to see exactly how the campaign will differ from a tournament. I'm hoping the spirit of fun will be prevalent, rather than the WaaC vibe that...

Request for Players -‘ In the Veiled Region’ Campaign Weekend

Over the Easter weekend (30-31 March) Animisity are running the 'In The Veiled Region' campaign. It's open to all players and races and comprises 6 games. Game 1 is a specially comped mission (1000pts, minimum 50% flyers / skimmers /jump infantry / winged), whilst the...

GW Reclaim their Heritage

This week Games Workshop have released a whole slew of tickets for events - seven of 'em in total - all at Warhammer World this June. What caught my eye was the Vidar's Fate: Praedis Zeta campaign weekend, which features this classic image from yesteryear: Genestealer...

Expanding the Missions for WH40k

What is your Mission?  Been playing 40k for a while? Then you will certainly have played all the permutations of the standard missions... many, many times! You will know that if army/codex ‘X’ plays against opponent army/codex ‘Y’, then you will most likely get...

40k Campaign Weekend – Animosity – Age of the Emperor

40k Campaign Weekend - Animosity - Age of the EmperorI've been thinking about which events I'm planning on going to in 2013, and as ever my first port of call is the Warhammer Forums page here: in...