Review of 2013 – A Personal Reflection

Ok, so it's a little early but it's nearly that time again where we all stop, take stock of the past 12 months and begin to think about the year ahead!   This year saw the culmination of quite a long-term plan for me, which was to field an army of Squats in...

Massive Mantic Sale!

I've just received an email detailing Mantic's winter sale - or, 'Santa's Spring Clean' in their own words.The prices are excellent, so for anybody looking for an ultra-cheap fantasy army, or for some great (definitely-not-Squats) Forge Fathers, now is the time to...

Season’s Greetings To All

Just a quick message to wish a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our readers! It's been a good year here on Claws & Fists, but we promise that 2013 will be even better. Amongst other things, we have two new contributors to introduce to you: - Dave P is an expert...

Blog Wars IV – The View From The Bottom Table

BLOG WARS IV REVIEW:On Saturday 1st December, Team Claws & Fists visited Maunsfeld Games in Mansfield for the fourth Blog Wars tournament. Along with Tim King's 500-pt Summer Skirmish, Blog Wars rates as my joint-favourite wargaming event of the year. It's always...

Nids and Squats go Hand in Hand to Blog Wars!

Having just read the Sons of Sanguinious' post, I felt duty-bound to report that two of the sons of Claws & Fists - myself and Andy (aka Fudal, for reasons still unknown to me!) are also en route to Mansfield for Blog Wars IV.For those in the know, Blog Wars is a...