1,850pt Squat Guard List for Blog Wars IV

 With the list submission date for Blog Wars only a couple of days away, I've finally decided on the army list that I'll be taking. Here goes:   SQUAT STRONGHOLD(counts as Codex: Imperial Guard)HQ - Lord Commissar (70) with Power Weapon (10) = 80HQ -...


This week I've mostly been considering how to improve my Squat Guard with the addition of some allies. I have reasonable armies of Eldar, Chaos Space Marines and pre-Heresy World Eaters (counting as Blood Angels) to choose from, and since I don't have the new CSM...

Scratchbuilt Squat Overlord Airships

Now that my Overlord Airships are almost ready for the table, it's time to show you all some pictures of the (nearly) completed articles. I've made two, and they will be used in my Squat Guard army as Vendetta Gunships.   As you can see from the pictures...

Help! Which Allies for Squat Guard?

Having played Andy and his Nidzilla Hive Fleet on Thursday (full match report to follow), I'm starting to understand better how my Squat Guard army works. Our game on Thursday was my first at 1,750pts - previously I had played at 1,000pts, mostly against Daryl's...