Two Minutes to Midnight?

For as long as I have played 40k (and I started back in the Rogue Trader era, so that's s LOOOONG time), the clock has been set at two minutes to midnight, figuratively speaking. The story has not advanced at all. The Old Man is still sat on his throne, the tendrils...

30k Space Wolves

Just a quick post to say that the Claws & Fists blog hasn't completely disappeared!Recently I have been playing a lot of 30k, with this Space Wolves army: 

‘Codex: Squat Strongholds’ Is Here!

Finally, my meisterwork is complete! After six years, I have finally finished work on my fandex for 30k and 40k Squats. You'll find it here:  Codex: Squat StrongholdsPlease feel free to download it, read through it and even play a few games with it! So far,...

Tunnelling Machines & Steampunk Tanks

Now, these are cool. Ironclad Miniatures ( in Wales make some awesome resin steampunk models, including the tunnelling machines I've pictured below. Obviously these would be perfect as Termites...

A Merry Christmas To You All!

Just a quick post to wish all our long-suffering readers a very merry Christmas (or other non-denominational mid-winter festival of your choice) and happy new year. I hope the fella in red (Santa that is, rather than Khârn) brought you all sorts of plastic, resin...