2-Year Hobby Challenge

It's been a while since I talked about the projects I'll be working on in the near future, so here is my plan: to publicly share my intentions, and to log my progress on each project as I work on them!UNIFICATION WARS VI LEGION VETERANSMy first task is to complete the...

Tonight: Two Knights

Fellow Claws & Fists blogger Duncs is running an Ad Mech army at Blog Wars tomorrow. Here is a sneak peak of them! 

One Week til Blog Wars 10

In the last few months, life has been pretty busy (our second baby arrived a few weeks ago) so I've had little time for wargaming. However, I am going to take tart in Blog Wars 10 next weekend, so without further ado, here is my list! CODEX: Astra MilitarumTank...

Global Heresy Campaign Background

As I mentioned in my last post, I have recently joined the Aus30k Global Heresy worldwide campaign, along with my regular gaming opponent (and good mate!) Duncs. He and I always have fun games, as we often try out homebrew missions and we tend to link our games...

Global Heresy! 30k Worldwide Campaign

 Dono over at the Aus30k site has just released the new Global Heresy campaign for Horus Heresy. It is a worldwide campaign system based in the 30k / Horus Heresy universe, whereby any game you play locally (with your mates, at a clubnight or even at a campaign...