30k Heresy Era Death Guard – WIP

 In under two weeks' time I will be heading to the North West Gaming Centre in Stockport (UK) for a 30k Horus Heresy campaign weekend. A campaign weekend is sort of the opposite of a tournament - gamers are encouraged to be fluffy, and it's definitely a fun game...

Scratch Built Storm Eagles

In order to prepare for an upcoming Horus Heresy campaign weekend, I need three Storm Eagles. As real life prohibits me from venturing anywhere near Forge World's crazy prices, I have instead built my own!  The models are made entirely from 5mm foamboard, and...

Tyranids vs Space Wolves Campaign – Game 7

GAME 7 - MATRICIDE The nerve centre of the Tyranid invasion force has been breached! The Norn Queen calls her children to defend her inner sanctum, as the fate of the Hive Nest is decided in the cold darkness of her subterranean lair…SET-UP:The Tyranid player...

Tyranids vs Space Wolves Campaign – Game 6

GAME 6 – THE INNER SANCTUMHaving neutralised the alien breeding ground, the scouts of the Imperial forces discover the location of the Tyranid Norn Queen, deep underground, far below the surface of the tortured planet. Following the Scouts’ beacon, the main...

Tyranids vs Space Wolves Campaign – Game 5

GAME 5 - EXTERMINATIONThe alien breeding ground has been discovered! During the scouring of the Tyranid back lines, a macabre grotto of alien eggs has been uncovered. If this source of new Tyranid bio-forms can be neutralised, the invasion will be dealt a killer...