Blog Wars Report

Blog Wars Report

On Saturday I took a 'tame' Eldar Serpent Spam list to Blog Wars. As Blog Wars is a 'friendly-competitive' tournament, I decided to ask the event organiser Alex Brown (of the excellent From the Fang blog) to check over my list, to make sure it wasn't too OTT! Happily...
Joining the Heresy

Joining the Heresy

I have recently started work on my next army, which will be a Heresy era Death Guard army for 30k. I have been a big fan of the Heresy fluff for years now, having first read the stories in the side-bars of the old first- and second-edition rulebooks and...
Blog Wars 8 – Sneak Preview!

Blog Wars 8 – Sneak Preview!

This weekend saw the eighth(!) running of the always-excellent Blog Wars tournament, the friendly-competitive event run by Alex of 'From the Fang'. I will write a full report later in the weekend, however for now here is a picture of my swag from the day...Not a...
Ruinstorm 2014 – Tournament Review

Ruinstorm 2014 – Tournament Review

  On Saturday I ventured forth to the Chaotic Wastes of Leicester to attend the one-day Ruinstorm 40k tournament. It was a 1650pt tournament using 'standard' 7th edition rulebook missions and, as a last-minute (well, with 7 days to go) addition, a simplified...
Summer Skirmish 2014 – Tournament Report

Summer Skirmish 2014 – Tournament Report

On Saturday I attended one of my favourite 40k events of the year - Tim King's 500pt Summer Skirmish. This year, due to the apparent lethargy and disinterest of the majority of the 40k tournament scene, only 8 players made the event, but that didn't stop it being a...