Army of One Tournament

Ok after some time camping Army Style I'm back.Today is the Army of One Tournament -1111 pts, one unit for each force org chart (no more than 1 no less than 1) 4x4's the list I'm bringing-Inquisitor in Termie Armor with hammer and psycannon-10x GKSS w 7...
Grand Master-Analysis

Grand Master-Analysis

Looks like I'm in the mood to talk about units in the Grey Knight codex and my opinion on them.  So today I will talk about the most vexing unit in the 'dex.The Mighty Grey Knight Grand Master.Once upon a time he was a must for a GK army.  Now he's an...


Burn the heretics!Incinerator TermiesIncinerators are the extra special flamer of the Inquisitorial sects of the Empire.  The new GK codex has them as Str 6 AP4 Template Assault Weapons.  We all know that template weapons ignore cover.  The old...
Value of a unique weapon- the psycannon

Value of a unique weapon- the psycannon

The psycannon:  What is the value of this excellent weapon?24" range Str 7 AP 4 Rending Assault 2/Heavy 4.  Basically a midfield can-opening super tool.My old school metal PAGK with Psycannon  But the ultimate question is how many points is it worth?The...