Necrons lessons learned.

Been thinking about the last game I had and how I can improve my list. Some observation 1. Scarabs are extremely effective against armor. Reducing armor value so much that even at str3 I am usually rolling to pen on 4+. 2. My small units of troops behind hardly...

Necrons lessons learned.

Been thinking about the last game I had and how I can improve my list. Some observation 1. Scarabs are extremely effective against armor. Reducing armor value so much that even at str3 I am usually rolling to pen on 4+. 2. My small units of troops behind hardly...

Battle Report: Necrons vs Chaos Space Marines 17March2012

Mission: Annihilation Deployment: Spearhead Chaos Space Marines Roster HQ 01 Daemon Prince (Mark of Nurgle, Wings) 01 Daemon Prince (Mark of Nurgle, Wings) 01 Greater Daemon ELITE 01 Chaos Dreadnought (Plasma Cannon, DCCW/Heavy Flamer) TROOP 05 Chaos Marines (Aspiring...

Army List: Foot Cron

Mark has arranged a game with me tomorrow and I have decided to use my Necrons to play against his Chaos Space Marines. A round 2 if I can say. Not to tailor listing, I like to experiment on the angry earth list spin offs. I think that if the whole list is built...

WIP: Tervigon

Firstly I like to apologize for the lack of any updates. Work has been unforgiving and taking up my time. Fortunately, that is over and my work has return to normal work loads. Recently GW released models from Tyranids and Space Wolves which I am sure everybody is...