Homemade, CustomThunderwolf Cav

Well, I have been wantin to run some thunderwolves, but I haven't found any models that really tickled my fancy. I've seen the Mythicast, the Russian wolves, all the ones from eBay, nothin tickled my fancy. So I began the arduous journey of making my own. I slaved...

Wolves On Dark Eldar Action!!!!

Hey all, got a game in last week against my good buddy Wiley the Nord from Ghostlight of Commoragh. I got to try out my newest list versus a tourney style DE army. He decided to do a battle report and post it on his blog.Before going any further...Click this Link...

1st Grey Hunter Pack Painted

Well Bear Cubs, I got some stuffs to show off. I played a game against my good friend Wiley The Nord from over at Ghostlight of Commorragh the other day, had a blast, (batrep to come soon!) and I got to play with my Space Wolves. I got them all out and...

Gunnar Red Moon Ridin the Big Wolf

Grizz here, picked up a Canis Wolfborn model in the new Finecast. Let me say first that the Finecast has exceptional highs and lows, no middle ground. I held out on getting a Canis model due to the headache that a metal thunderwolf proposes, so when they said they...

Maul In The Mall!!!!!!!!!!

Well ladies and gents, the Maul is almost upon us. For those of you not in the know, The Maul is an annual tournament held at Dicehead Games and Comics. It is one of the larger events on the Tennessee tourney scene, and always a blast. I was unable to attend last...