[PL] Carnifex #1 – składanie i dekoracja podstawki

Moi drodzy!Przed wami dość długawy odcinek, mam nadzieję, że zmobilizuję się na drugi odcinek, z całości. Jak sugeruje tytuł, składam i ogarniam model Carnifexa, Screamer Killera.Zapraszam.Dears!I present you a video in which I build and base n old school model of...

Thousand Sons are coming! Fenris burns!

Dears!Let me quickly give you a round up of what's in store for you from 3rd of December.First of all we got the great Magnus the Red model 80GBP / 105EUR, but we all know about this one.Wrath of Magnis, epilogue (?) to War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen with new...

Horus Heresy: Burning of Prospero leaving D6 behind?

Welcome!So as we all know, or should know, by now, on 22nd October you will be able to preorder the box on Games Workshop site. By 29th we will see the official release in the shops. The important news is that it is NOT an expansion to Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth....