30 day Hobby Challenge #7 / 30 dniowe Wyzwanie Figurkowe #7

Your biggest achievement in gaming or modelling?All in all I do not consider neither the game nor modelling as something in which I have to accomplish anything . I think I am just like a spoiled American kid - participation and having fun is more important than the...

30 day Hobby Challenge #6 / 30 dniowe Wyzwanie Figurkowe #6

Have you got a favourite set of die or your favourite single dice?In general I do not have my favourite set or a specific die. I hate them all equally.When it comes to the looks, I really enjoy the latest GW release of Gork and Mork dice. They are very nice, sharp...

30 day Hobby Challenge #5 / 30 dniowe Wyzwanie Figurkowe #5

Your favourite land or region in the before mentioned universe?Das is a stoopid queschoon! Our fav land is da rok. Da one we fly thru da kosmos to land on some umies or fisheyez.Home is where da rok landz!Twoja ulubiona kraina lub lokacja osadzona w uniwersum??To...