by Grot Orderly | Sep 1, 2016
How did you start playing wargames and / or how did you start painting models? Wow... that's a short story really. I have visited my friend who was going through a magazine called Magia I Miecz (Might & Magic), I think that's what it was called, and there we found...
by Grot Orderly | Aug 30, 2016
So we are getting plenty of cool stuff for the Chaos Space Marines!We are getting a new supplement codex that contains new rules and background. But that's not all. There are plenty of miniatures and one piece of terrain that moves from resin to plastic (Void Shield...
by Grot Orderly | Aug 28, 2016
Welcome!For some of you who want an additional insight, a brief review, with few pointers, of the Prologue for the Lord Inquisitor.Witajcie!Dla tych z was, którzy lubią rozkminiać, krótka recenzja, z paroma uwagami, Prologu do Lord Inquisitor.
by Grot Orderly | Aug 28, 2016
Welcome!Today we have got another Orks vs Chaos games. This time the army lists are completely different and it's a pair vs pair game.Both teams play with armies of 1000 points each. Thousand Sons and Night Lords against elite ork army and a horde, the notorious Green...
by Grot Orderly | Aug 24, 2016
Welcome!Today very little from, a lot from my friend Witek. Please enjoy his Big Mek.We always appreciate your comments, your feedback, so please leave some below.Witajcie!Dzisiaj nie będę się rozpisywał ani rozgadywał. Obejrzyjcie sobie kilka fotek Big Meka...