by Grot Orderly | Aug 24, 2016
Welcome!In this entry I am looking at the game announced this month on Steam. Warhammer 40000: Sanctus Reach is turn based PC strategy game in the world of grim darkness far far away in the future.Enjoy!Witajcie!Dzisiaj chciałem się z wami podzielić grą, która...
by Grot Orderly | Aug 22, 2016
Welcome! So after yesterday's news we have got another exciting info. It is Age of Sigmar related, but it might also be a sign of things going in the right direction for 40k as well.Watch the video first, to see what I am talking about.Witajcie! Po wczorajszym newsie...
by Grot Orderly | Aug 22, 2016
(this is not the actual artwork)Welcome!I got some fresh news for you. Kill Team boxed game is coming out!Last time we saw it was 6th edition with rules to play small games and all.This time we will get:- A space marines tac squad (the standard one)- Tau fire...
by Grot Orderly | Aug 22, 2016
Welcome! Today I got a battle report for you. I played my friend Vince from Łódzkie Manufaktorum.He brought 1000 points of his Night Lords to face my Orks.Enjoy!Witajcie! Dzisiaj mam dla was raport bitewny, w którym zmierzyłem się z Vincem z Łódzkiego...
by Grot Orderly | Aug 5, 2016
Welcome! Finally a group photo!Below a quick and easy paint scheme I used for these guys. Nothing fancy, but if you would like to achieve similar results with your models, feel free to copy what's below:Cloaks:1. Scorched Brown (GW) - base2. Flat Brown (VMC) -...