by Grot Orderly | Jan 25, 2012
I have been busy last two nights! Painting orcs for my fantasy army. Painted 40 of them to a decent TT standard. Here are the pics: Byłem bardzo mocno zajęty ostatnio! Malowałem swoich orkasków do swojej armii do battla. Pomalowałem aż 40stu do standardu TT. Oto...
by Grot Orderly | Jan 17, 2012
Just a little update to show that it's not just fun and games in the recent days of Grot Orderly. I have been working on my Battlewagons, both of them at the same time. I have been trying out using an airbrush to the majority of work like armour and base colours. It...
by Grot Orderly | Jan 13, 2012
This time we're playing Chaos Marines vs Orks. Luckily enough we rolled the same mission and the same deployment! What a coincidence. Well anyhoo, have a look if you don't mind polish chit-chat. Tym razem na polu stanęły armie Chaos Marines i Orków. Tak jakoś...
by Grot Orderly | Jan 10, 2012
Well! This is the first battle report ever done by me. Apart from few short ones when I played Kill Zone. I decided to play my brother and his Imperial Guard. My Orks went for it and won. Well, if you know Polish click and play the clip. If not, wait a bit and I'll...
by Grot Orderly | Jan 8, 2012
Not my models, not my painting, I just took the photo. I love the whole little diorama so much I decided to put it up here [click to enbiggen].