Does anyone even blog anymore?

I mean, do they?I will and do. Whats new? Getting into KoW.  Getting into Warcry, Getting into KillTeam.Waiting on 9th ed 40K.   dabbling in 2nd ed AoS. Will blog, kids older, more time, the process helps the mind.

Age of Sigmar

There are some who say we have no right to feel let down.I'm 38, I first encountered Warhammer when I was 11 , in Liverpool, where me and my sister lived in a cockroach infested basement that would flood with about 15 inches of water regularly, at the top of lime...

Historical Gaming It’s OK to just not care

I have a confession to make.   I don't give a fuck about historical gaming. "Well, we don't give a fuck either Grum, what's your point dickhead?"  I hear you cry. I'm sure they were all awesome dudes.I just don't care. My point is I tried.   I have tried and tried and...

The earth stirred, and up rose GRUMHELDEN!

Good afternoon, take a seat, (not that one), that's better. Hi, my name is Grumhelden. For the last year and a bit, I have been henching for Malifaux, this meant that I could not really say what I felt here, as it's not usually positive. I did meet loads of amazing...

Next Glasgow Malifaux Event Announced!

 March 17th Malifaux March Murder Madness Organised Play and Demo event in Glasgow. The 2nd West Coast Throwdown of 2013The March Madness Murder Meet(and Malifaux Mixer) will be held at Number 40 Wellington Street Glasgow, on the 17th Day of March, which is a...