January Jitterbug Malifaux Event!

Having negotiated my soul and life away I have secured a venue in the heart of the city centre in Glasgow. The first event, The January Jitterbug, is booked in for the 20th of January, kicking off at 10 AM, and it promises to be a blinder of a day. The Glasgow scene...

Paint it Pink Pimped

HendyBadger is running an awesome competition for awesome people.... http://pressganger.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/a-call-for-help-to-all-gamers-readers.html Hi thee hence!

Why the great Comp debate is sound and thunder…

Sit 10 gamers in a room and you will get 12 different answers on whether comp is needed or not(2 people will change the answers to fit in better...). Its all a load of shite. I mean seriously, Internet, what the fuck? What is actually happening when you try and change...

Henchmen Unite!

Just a quick happy post to say my application for the Wyrd henchman Program was successful!  Over.  The.  Moon!

This moment wont last forever…

We live in a unique moment in time...The new edition of 40K is out and everyone is excited, running around like newborn babes with hope and joy in their hearts and eyes!   But...it wont last! 40K Right now, this instant, people are falling in love with 40K again,...