New 8th Edition Rumors

Some new rumors have come, and to be honest not to sure how accurate, but that might be more from me not wanting to believe than it being ridiculous. Also I am going to be out of town till sunday, so this is just good timing for me to talk about it before I head out....

Astra Militarum Tactics: Deployment in Depth

For today going to discuss an alternate counter deep strike tactic.  In principal it is similar to bubble wrapping, but works different enough to be its own thing.  This tactic is less effective than bubble wrapping against Drop pod armies though can still...

8th edition and future 40k

Looking at the last year, and what we know about the near future, 40k is heading for change both narratively and mechanically.  Disclaimer, I am not privy to any insider information so this is my thoughts based on what has happened and what we know so far, trying...

Krak Grenades vs Melta Bombs

A little bit of a rant today, but also some tactics.  I missed upon my first reading the changes for grenades in close combat against vehicles and MCs.  If you are not aware, the main rule book FAQ has ruled that you can only ever use one grenade/melta bomb...

Batrep: Astra Militarum vs Chaos Marines 1850pts

Got a game in yesterday, and apologies my camera died so only got crappy pictures from my phone, switched things up and played the cadian battle group.  My opponent was playing chaos space marines using black legion and a traitor legion formation.  We played...