Astra Militarum Tactics: Leman Russ

The leman russ, the iconic tank of the Imperial Guard.  Its reputation is quite mixed, but with all the options available, it has definite uses on the battlefield and can perform well given the chance.  Now the ordnance rule does disadvantage to the two...

Astra Militarum Tactics: Sentinels

Sentinels, one of the best models in the Imperial Guard range, and yet considered to be one of the most disappointing on the table.  Now I don't completely agree, as most of the disappointment has as much to do with what people want them to do, which may not...

Astra Militarum Tactics: Artillery Company

While the Cadian Battle Group is overall not that great of a detachment, many of the formations in Mont'ka are quite good and something to take with a CAD.  The Emperors Wrath Artillery Company is probably the strongest formation in the book, especially with how...

8th Edition: Hopes and Dreams

While still waiting for the Gathering Storm Book III to come out, I have been thinking on the rumored new edition and what I hope to see.  This isn't based on any inside knowledge, just on the rumors that have been coming out and some general hopes I have for...

Battle Report: Militarum Tempestus vs Dark Eldar

I finally got a game in!  I wanted to test out my theories on the Castellans of the imperium detachment and how much it can help Militarum Tempestus armies.  A buddy that I used to play quite commonly was happy to oblige me, as he wanted to play another...