Musings Of A Game Designer: Creating Aliens

This is a guest post by Salvador Uranga from Sentinel Games. When I had to deal with the creation of the first alien race for our new wargame Total Extinction, I wanted them to be very different from the numerous adaptations we’ve seen a million times before. My...

How To Paint Dark Angels Space Marines Eye Lenses

For a Dark Angels army, it is good to have common elements that ties the different parts of the army – Deathwing, Ravenwing and regular Dark Angels – together. For me, one such element is the red spot colour. The following is a brief tutorial on how I...

Warhammer Battlefields: Border Wars – A Review

Border Wars isn’t perfect, but I don’t feel that it has any real problems either. I’d have liked more content, but then it doesn’t cost very much. It is hard to fault a good product that costs £5. Warhammer Battlefields: Border Wars: {rating}...

5 Reasons Why Warpath Is an Awesome Game

This post is for those of you that have not yet dived into the world of Warpath. However, rather than go into extensive detail of every aspect of the game, I am going to give you a quick run down of the things that I think make the game awesome… This is a guest...

Wargaming and the 3D Printer Revolution

This is a guest post by Chris Ford of Tabletop Workshop/Enigma Design Services Ltd. 3D printing is a wonderful technology, and as a plastics engineer in the toolmaking industry. I sometimes wonder how we managed without it all these years. A Brief Introduction to 3D...