Arch angel update

Arch angel update

Greets one and all,I did some more work on my entry to millest terminator challengeI still need to update the base a bit, and want to magnetise the base as I don't want to include this base in my actual army.  Also I still have to drill the bolter barrels and...
Archangel update 1

Archangel update 1

Believe it or not, this is post 242, and last Friday I went to a concert of ... Front 242 :)It was a blast with a great bunch of friends. But more to the point, my wife always works with lists to get her work done.  I almost never do lists, I just work on...
Welcome back

Welcome back

Greets one and all, It has been way to long and I noticed I need this kind of thing to keep my focus.Recently I bumped on a online challenge by millest, it peaked my interest and I accepted the challenge.I hope that by joining this challenge I get to finish my...
Wip tumblr page

Wip tumblr page

Greetz one and all,I can't seem to find the time to write a decent post (not that i did in the past but you know what I'm talking about.However I am still trying to keep the paint and green stuff flowing, and to show things I've decided to resurrect my tumblr...
WIP Grey Knight Paladins Commission

WIP Grey Knight Paladins Commission

Greetz one and all,This week's WIP is actually something that's for a friend of mine who wanted some cool looking Paladins and wanted to use the Dark Angel Knights bits.  I suggested using Grey Knight back pieces.In the end there are still some Dark Angel icons...