Modelcount november

Modelcount november

Greetz one and all,November is traditionally a bad month for my model count.  For one the month started with the crisis fair in Antwerp, the other part is my birthday at the end.  Both deliver my a few new models :)Extra on the lead mountain this month is...
WIP November

WIP November

Greetz one and all,As usual there has been way to little hobby time in the last few week, well actually I've been using my hobby time as it was intended (I get a lot of painting time in after 23.00h) ... Sleeping ;o)But I did manage to get some convertion work done...
Crisis 2012

Crisis 2012

Greetz one and all,It's been à while since my last post, there was nothing realy big to report in the last few weeks.  My hobby time was dominated by the clubs crisis project and our visit to the fair.There was a lot to see, going from the old known historical...
Wip October

Wip October

Greetz one and all,With the release of Dark Vengeance I've also started working on some Dark Angels.  It's way to much work to shave off all the dark Angel Emblems from the models and by the way they look cool the way they are.  To finish my argument I don't...
Model count September

Model count September

September was a busy month.  We had the release of dark vengeance, along with a lot of new dark angel ideas.  Last week we saw the release of the new white dwarf, and last but not least i started working on some mordheim stuff.Model wise I am ending with a...