White dwarf review

White dwarf review

Greetz one and all, With the new look of white dwarf I couldn't leave a review out. Let me start by saying "I didn't know a new look was coming" so I almost discarded mine 'cus I thought it to be some other crap. No seriously I was rather surprised. I didn't go for an...
Intoducing Burgomeister Idisvald von rotersnee

Intoducing Burgomeister Idisvald von rotersnee

Greetz one and all.As I said a few months ago I'm planning on doing some more empire work this year.  Officially it'll be under a Mordheim theme, but I don't know way I'll use the men for at the end.  I just want to see all the work I did at the start of...

Wip blood angel razorback

Greetz one and all, ...A few years ago I adapted my rhinos so they would fit the Armageddon theme.  Simply slapping on the vindicator top gave the right impression.  It made the Rhino a bit more techy and the ventilation was needed for the deserts of...
Introducing Amitiel Commander at arms

Introducing Amitiel Commander at arms

Greetz one and all,Second post in as many weeks not bad for the moment let’s hope I can keep it up ;o)  This week sees the completion of  “Amitiel; commander at arms” my rework of the AoBr commander sicarius.  When finishing him I got this great idea...
Black box revelation; Dark Vengeance

Black box revelation; Dark Vengeance

Greets one and all,I was planning an update on my Blood Angel Commander, but couldn't keep this from you ;o) Sprue pictures didn't really make a lot of sense, I was unable to get them clear enough. The models look good, I’m a bit disappointed on the cut for the...