WIP Amitiel (AoBR Sicarius conversion)

WIP Amitiel (AoBR Sicarius conversion)

Greetz one and all,With "Dark Vengeance" on the horizon I thought it was time to get some models from AoBr doneLast year I got the dreadnought done for "war of iron".  And when one of the local guys asked me to trade off my captain, I got to thinking of my own...

I’ll be back

Greetz one and all, It’s been a while since I posted, an increase of work load in real life and a chronicle lack of time made blogging and indeed hobbying in general as good as impossible the last two months.  I’m not making any promises for the coming weeks or...

WIP july 6th

greetz one and all, It's been a while since I posted another update.  And to be honest I lost track of what the mission of this blog was.  To keep the painting process going.  So there is no White Dwarf review this month, and I'm not doing a Black Box...

White Dwarf 390

Greetings one and all, I’m reading my White Dwarf on the Spanish coast this month, and that is also the reason why the review is a bit later then usual.  But better late then never.  I must say the interior look of the White Dwarf has changed a bit.  I...

on the net

Greetz one and all, It has been a while since I posted another on the net.  Not that there are no cool things to show you all, its just that I've started sharing on the Goblin forums.  So to wrap it all in a nice little article here are some of the cool...