Black Box revelation; Audio Drama; Oath of moment

Greetz one and all, By the time you read this I'll be laying under the spanish sun somwhere in Catalunia for my well deserved vacation.  So Servesas, and Sangria for all and enjoy your gaming and painting. What brings me to my next point; I haven't done any Black...

The men get a new destination

Greetz one and all, Some of you might remember my ostermark models from a few years ago.  I had this brilliant idea of making me a new army ...  Unfortunately it didn't succeed and ended up on the dust shelf. Well now, a few guys at the goblins started...

Take it to the sky; Epistolary Myrdin

Greet one and all, Today's post is all about my next big game. After the war of iron I got to thinking about what next. And for this scenario I went for an all aerial assault game for both sides. Now just to find an enemy player and we're set :-)  Oh, and on a...

Introducing Master Hayro Caminant

Greetings fellow gamers, As MonthyPython would say … “And now for somethingcompletely different …”   I’ve been thinking about a Mechanicus cult for some time now; and now the first model has made it off the paint table (it’s no problem to get on my desk; but...

White Dwarf 389

Greetz one and all, As I said a few weeks ago (with my last WD review) I’m looking for a new way to give you my insights in GW’s monthly magazine.  Resulting in a no post last month and a I still don’t know this month.  But lets just keep things rolling for...