by Greg | Aug 2, 2013
Garth over at Maxx Collectibles has just donated $50.00 to my Easter Seals Drop Zone campaign!He has a challenge for you all. If you match 50% ($25) of his donation, he will give you %10 off your next purchase! If you match his donation 100% he will give you 20% off...
by Greg | Jul 31, 2013
Last night Sean T posted a picture on our forum of his new Eldar Titan. He just got it last week and he's already assembled and painted the fucking thing. Way to go Sean!The Alaitoc FamilyThis model is going to look sick during the next Apocalypse battle. I am however...
by Greg | Jul 29, 2013
As some of you may know I have registered for a charity campaign called Drop Zone here in beautiful Winnipeg, Manitoba. This campaign is to raise money for Easter Seals Canada. Easter Seals uses the funds to help out and support the more than 47, 000 Manitobans living...
by Greg | Jul 25, 2013
Ever wonder what it would be like to be in prison... without all the unwanted man-love in the shower?Now you can with Latest Pursuits new Kickstarter: The Oleg StoryThe story revolves around a dude named Oleg. Just a regular whisltblowing hacker to leaked too much...
by Greg | Jul 23, 2013
This past weekend held our long awaited Apocalypse game. For those of you who may not have been following my posts, here's the cole's notes:Chaos invaded an Imperial planet to look for a relic called "The Seal". While they were looking a stupid band of Orks attacked...