by H.C.118 | Feb 13, 2011
As promised, two lists are going up today:1) The Salamanders list:Captain Terminator Armor w. Combi-Melta and Thunder Hammer 160 160Librarian Powers: Null Zone, The Avenger 100 260Tactical Squad 10 Man Unit with Meltagun, Multimelta, and Sgt. Power Fist in...
by H.C.118 | Jan 30, 2011
Well everyone, it's been a hard two months, but I'm getting by. The blog has been re-added to the FTW blog group, and I hope to be able to get some form of an army together soon. Now, however, is the time for planning. This is the time for me to...
by H.C.118 | Jan 30, 2011
If you'll scroll down the blog, you'll remember that my dad decided to destroy most of the 40k stuff that I own at home. However, several people who have heard of my plight have offered me a hand in rebuilding my forces. So stick around, I'll be back soon...