The Pack Elite – Part 2

I haven't had much time to do stuff with a Bachelor's thesis I'm working on all the time now, so not much painting progress and I just didn't have what to post on Monday. I'm clueless on what to post next week as well, but I'll try to think about something. Silly...

The Pack Elite – Part 1

Time to change the army for a bit. Since everything I had to paint for the Guard is done and posted, time for some Space Wolves again! Taking off with my favourite models, that I've put off for too long. I decided to split the post into two parts since there's plenty...

How to Magnetise the Dark Eldar Razorwing

Right, about time for some tutorial! Dark Eldar Razorwings. Everyone loves the model. However it comes with a real ton of armament options and being a DE model it's all very flimsy thin and hard to drill in, so I had to come up with some way to magnetise those,...

The Keenest Eyes

Female Cadian Snipers! Now that I got your attention - Something that probably most of you have been looking mostly to. I have checked the statistics that Blogger started providing with the redesign and the first post on it is the 4th most viewed post on this blog of...

Fire from the Sky

Aand another miniature that has been sitting there unpainted for years now. The final member of the Regimental Advisors, one that, sadly, turned out to be quite lackluster. The Master of Ordnance.While I probably won't be fielding that guy much, he still has quite an...