For He is Our Lord and Saviour!

Another thing that has sat on the shelf for quite a while. While perhaps not the most noteworthy unit on the tabletop, it's definitely one of he more characterful ones. As I mentioned, it was inspired by one on Excommunicate Traitoris blog. What am I talking about?...

1st Platoon Command

A small update today. But it's only foreshadowing what is to come. I present to you the re-built 1st Platon Command. For a long time now 1st Platoon has done nothing more than just gathered dust on the shelf, since its loadout (Plasma + Lascannon) wasn't really the...

The Background section

Introducing the background of the 42nd Cadian Regiment! A new section of the webpage that's dedicated to hold every silly thing I come up with every now and then. Once the background section rolls out more fully there will probably be a wider section for each of my...

Posting Schedules and the State of Things

A couple of days ago, Ron over at FTW has posted a very nice post with some ideas to improve a blog. They weren't any groundbreaking thruths, however it never occured to me, that I could simply make a regular posting schedule.Since I have had long periods without any...


Time for something heavier again. Two newly painted vehicles sported by the 42nd Cadian!Starting off with the Chimera of the 303rd Veteran squad. Nothing too fancy, just a regular Chimera, although I did decide to put a tank commander on there to help it stand out a...