The Dark Mastermind

More evil space elves! This time, the guy behind it all, the Archon - Ecthos, I called him.I really liked the original metal model for the Archon, but I decided it needs at least a little bit personification. And I'd rather have him have different wargear. Thus, a...

Introducing the Kabal of Last Hatred

The moment I saw them I knew they had to be mine. Even though the Emperor resides firmly in my heart I broke. The first Xenos in my hands. But how many of us failed to resist those excellent models? Introducing... the Kabal of Last Hatred.The Kabal has a pretty strong...

Like A Rain From the Sky

This time, I think my favourite vehicle in my army, aside from the Land Speeders. The humble Drop Pod.It was really great fun to paint I actually like the overall effect. It's been painted with the most "battle damage" of all my models I think.I have used various...

Fast and Furious

Yay, finally time to post some content, it's only half a year old!Back to the Space Wolves, one of the last things I haven't shown yet, the Land Speeders! I think they're my favourite Space Marine vehicles and I really like fielding them instead of Long...