Hordes – Druid & Una

Finished a limited Druid Wilder and Una the Falconer.Base will be finalized by owner to fit the rest.Druid Wilder  -  Una the Falconer
more Malifaux Guild

more Malifaux Guild

To long nothing happened on this blog. Sorry for that. First I am very happy about Malifaux 2E the Skirmish Game from Wyrd Miniatures. Try to play more and this brings me to build some more Individuals to my Guild Faction.Lone MarshalExecutionersOn the Executioners I...

Demigods Rising Kickstarter

Demigods Rising is a skirmish-style tabletop game in which you become a Demigod, command armies of heroes, and fight to prove your supremacy so you can ascend as the new God of War. You have access to 4 Demigods, who can choose their armies from the 16 heroes. Once...
Support World of Twilight

Support World of Twilight

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1280484354/world-of-twilight-travels-through-anyaral Twilight is a small scale skirmish game set in the unique fantasy world of Anyaral. I've been working on the world and the game for well over a decade and since 2009 I have...