BDS 40K 2023-04-06 08:44:00

 I am back!Lost the account...long story...and took quite a bit of time to get it got in the way...months and then years passed...I tried again...and wham...account restored. So....much has happened. But plan to start things up again.Is anyone still...
Beginning Playing Hordes: A Solid First Unit, Warpborn Skinwalker

Beginning Playing Hordes: A Solid First Unit, Warpborn Skinwalker

Starting Hordes with the Circle Orboros Warpborn SkinwalkersAs I've brought up before, I started playing Hordes by purchasing the 2 player battle box which features a unit of heavy infantry for both factions. The Circle Orboros infantry is a full unit of Warpborn...
Beginning Playing Hordes: Some of the Basics, Cards and Combat

Beginning Playing Hordes: Some of the Basics, Cards and Combat

The Basics of Warmachine and HordesWarmachine and Hordes do have army books/codexes, but unlike Warhammer, they're not required for play. All of the characters and units come with cards with all of that unit's stats and abilities on them. This way, it's simple to have...