Deep Wars FAQ + Errata

Antimatter Games have posted an FAQ and Errata for the new underwater game Deep Wars. You can find it on their fourm >HERE< and I have also reposted it below. DeepWars FAQ1. Just a small edit to the custom model steps on page 153. step 4 says to round down the...

Deep Wars comes to the UK!!!!

Deep Wars has come to the UK! Yay! Antimatter Games posted this announcement on their Facebook Page "We are proud to announce that AntiMatter Games products will be distributed in the UK by Kingsley Distribution LTD, and they will be the sole distributor of our...

Slowing down for a while………

Just letting the readers know that this blog will be slowing down for  couple of weeks. Got LOADS going on at the moment so not got a huge amount of free. ToaTS wont be silent though. Over the next couple of weeks I will be taking a closer look at some more...

Blog-Swap . Readers Minis and a Q+A

With all of the reviews, news and such on ToaTS recently I thought it was about time to mix things up for a week or so. After a couple of awesome posts from Mars and AlienAmbassador I started thinking about how to get other people included in the blog. 3 ideas came to...

Pre-cut Terrain for Carnevale from Plastcraft Games

Plastcraft Games have just posted this stunning new scenery for Carnevale on their Facebook Page. Being made from pre-cut plasticard means it is going to be VERY affordable. The windows and doors look to be resin add ons. What do you think of it? Will you be picking...