Breaking News: New Dystopian Wars and Legions Models!!!!

A post has just appeared on the Spartan Games Forum with a link to a hidden page on the Spartan Store. The May 1st Releases for Dystopian Wars and Legions! Click pics to view larger EDIT: The forum thread and info on the website have disappeared! What do you think of...

Torn Armor on Kickstarter

Another Kickstarter that has just begun has really caught my eye. Torn Armor from the Torn World RPG. I have gather some of the information together here for people to check out....

Spinespur – A Dark and Twisted Survival Horror Game

Comfy Chair Games are running a Kickstarter campaign for the awesome game Spinespur. I have been eyeing up this game for quite some time but just haven't managed to pick any up yet. I think this could be the perfect chance! Below I have gather lots of info from the KS...

Pulp City Preview – V.H Leader of Blood Watch

Pulp City have posted a new preview in their Heroes and Villains section on the website. V.H aka Victoria van Helsing is the new Level 3 leader of the mystical Blood Watch sub-faction. You can find her background info >HERE< As with the other recent...

Steampunk! by AlienAmbassador

The City of Lost Children, © 1995Hi there. My name is Christopher Sheets. I’ve been a journalist for more than 15 years and a gamer for twice that. I’ve hung around all the various Internet watering holes for mini gamers at one time or another. Now I tend to frequent...