Clan Raukaan vs Orks (Feast of Blade style)

So, I tried out a list for FoB: 1x Knight Errant, 3x Dreadnoughts with assault cannons, 2x Dreadnoughts with Multi Melta, 2x Razorbacks (lascannon) with 5 tac marines, a stormtalon, and Master of forge with Gorgan Chain.  This was not my original concept, but...

Feast of Blades

So, I went to one of the local stores (next town over) and one of the people there was talking about how he was the Arizona Feast of Blades representative, and a friend of that store owner, and they said they were going to have a qualifier soon.  I have always...

Blood Angels – 7th edition

So, it has been a while since I have played, but I've gotten 3 games in 7th edition in the last 3 weeks, so I throw out some thoughts on my experience with Blood Angles in 7th.  The first game I played in 7th was against IG, or whatever they are called now -...

FAQ Update

Just a heads-up, I was looking for Space Marine FAQ, there is a small one, and noticed that a few other marine codices, and the main rule book also have some updates this month. I could not find the change in the BRB FAQ, but the Blood Angel and Grey Knights both...

I see what you did there GW….

A month or two ago, I posted that people should give double force organizations a try.  I don't really have an agenda (ie, a secret I-win-list just waiting for some sucker to allow me to use it, really I don't)I just think the points will balance out most lists...