Monday Musings of a Mantic #8: Electronics

Blogging is dependent on the inclusion of an electronic device. Specifically a computer, whether its a PC, a laptop, or a tablet, you need one of the I order to blog. The instrument of my choosing has been a MacBook for the past 5 years. First I was stealing my...

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!!!

HAPPY ZOMBIE JESUS DAY!!!  This year I thought I would put a different twist on the Easter holidays.  Think of it as a Palm in Face on Sunday cause that is exactly what good old JC will be doing to each and every Zombie he comes across. These three images all feature...

WIP it Wednesday #39: Nurgattle PlagueHawks

Many of you might have assume that I became part of the walking dead with my unexplained disappearance last week.  Not single post, single picture, word or even a single letter was published on The Chaos Manifesto.  For all intensive purposes I was dead.  Luckily for...

Monday Musing of a Mantic #7: 1750pts CSM/Daemons

265 = Daemon Prince: Daemon of Nurgle, Wings, Power Armour & Black Mace 105 = Chaos Lord: Mark of Nurgle, Brand of Skaralax, Power Sword 262 = Plague Marines x 7: Plasma Gun x 2, Champion with PF and a Rhino 262 = Plague Marines x 7: Plasma Gun x 2, Champion with PF...

WIP it Wednesday #38: Nurgle, Nurgle and more Nurgle!!!

Like a pulsating boil ready to burst its foul puss my mind has been engorged with the taint of Nurgle. That's right with foul disgusting taint!!! Everything that I touch begins to fester with the corruption of his decay. Unable to cleanse my body and mind of the...