Monday Musing of a Mantic #6: 1750pts of STD Daemon Action

210 = Keeper of Secrets: Greater Reward x 2 & Psyker Lvl 1 095 = Harold of Slaanesh: Greater Reward & Exalted Locus 095 = Harold of Slaanesh: Greater Reward & Exalted Locus 080 = Harold of Nurgle: Lesser Reward & Greater Locus 206 = Daemonettes x 17: Instrument & an...

STC Sunday: Building an Army the HOTpanda Way

The creation of a 40k army for me is more than just glueing a bunch of plastic crack together.  Countless failed armies have found themselves amassed into a pile of useless models.  Unable to stand behind their poorly thought out theme, play style, list, colour theme,...

WIP it Wednesday #38: Blood Bowl

Two teams, one ball and stadium full of drunk hoodlums.  Regardless of what team you are cheering for you are always going to be in for a show especially with the scantily clad as the Bloodwiser girls on pitch.  What sport could this be?  Some of you Khorne...

Monday Musings of a Mantic #5: 1750pts CSM/New Daemons

Primary Detachment: Chaos Space Marines 170 = CSM Lord: Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Sugal of Corruption, Lighting Claw, and Burning Brand of Skalathrax. 213 = Plague Marines x 7: Plasma Guns x 2 and Champion with Power Axe 213 = Plague Marines x 7: Plasma Guns x 2 and...

Old Stuff Day 2013: Greater Daemon of Nurgle

With March 2nd being Old Stuff Day and today being the release of the Chaos Daemons new Codex I figured I would show case my Greater Daemon of Nurgle.  What better way to celebrate a decayed old post of mine for Old Stuff day.  What greater way to pay tribute to the...