Live from GottaCON 2013: Day 2

In the immortal words of the ultimate hipster, Beck, "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me".  This is what must have been written on my forehead during the second and final day of GottaCON 2013.  That's right from a two wins and one lose record on day one to two...

Live from GottaCON 2013: Day 1

Lady Luck is a bitch and she will cheat on if you give her the chance. My first game at the 40k tables saw me pitted against a Dark Eldar, Space Marine forbidden lust. My first thoughts had me puking up my breakfast but the ones that followed hand me swallowing the...

Live From GottaCON 2013: The Tables

Going to keep things short and sweet, which is just as rare as a that you have recovered from the shock of that statement I will get to the point of this post. Over the course of the weekend I will be blogging live from GottaCON 2013. This will allow to...