Monday Musings of a Mantic #11: Khorneflakes (2000pt List)

"Conan! What is best in life?" "To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!" Conan is without a doubt my god dam hero.  He punches god dam camels right in their face and has no quads about it. Who the hell sicker...

WIP It Wednesday #42: Helbrutes, Tigers and Decimators, Oh My!!!

"All the life I had taken wasn't saving Oz, or even myself.  Killing the vulnerable was Dorothy's way but it didn't have to be mine"  Following the yellow brick road was my only hope in salvation for at its end lie the ancient gothic Emerald City.  Sadly Dorothy had...

Monday Musings of a Mantic #10: Nurglelicious (2000pt List)

Flashing back to 4th edition I was a one sick player as I was a devoted follower of Nurgle.  To be specific I used Chaos Space Marines as their was no Daemon Army yet.  With them I hit my opponents immune system with monster mash style army.  Two winged Daemon...

Flashback Friday #18: Da Oompa Loompas an Ork Blood Bowl Team

Oompa loompa doompety doo I've got a perfect puzzle for you Oompa loompa doompety dee If you are wise you'll listen to me What do you get when you guzzle down sweets Eating as much as an elephant eats What are you at, getting terribly fat What do you think will come...

WIP it Wednesday #41: Helbrutes and WTF!!!

I thought you said there was Helbrutes in this post but instead you have this monstrosity of a daemon engine laying waste to some poor saps, what's the deal HOTpanda?  The deal is that a long time ago in a far off galaxy I was told that this was not the Helbrutes I...